Broadway Controversy?!
Hi everyone, today’s article will be a little different from usual. Instead of giving you the news, I’ll be speaking my mind about a controversial topic that is travelling through the Broadway community right now. Many theater fans say that the new musicals that are coming out, are replacing the original shows and not in a good way. Now I get their point but I actually disagree. Let me explain myself in this article before you go mad in the comments. Here is a little summary of the text you’re about to read, the new musicals are good and the original ones had their time. So, continue reading if you want to I’ll just be stating what I think about this "controversy". Firstly, some of the new musicals that are coming out are actually better than some of the original Broadway shows. I think that the new shows are of higher quality because they learned from some of the mistakes the old shows might have made. Now, I agree some shows are corny and not that original but I act...